Tuesday, November 26, 2019


SAMPLE OUTLINE FOR A PERSUASIVE SPEECH - By Tom Wi Essays Fat SAMPLE OUTLINE FOR A PERSUASIVE SPEECH - By Tom Wingard Introduction Attention Are you getting a bit tired of that three inch spare tire Material around your waist? Are you becoming increasingly lazy, fat? Thesis/ I'd like to show you that we're all in need of exercise. Overview Now is the time to get started so that we can enjoy the health and psychological benefits the rest of our lives. Motivation I'm assuming that none of you will argue that exercise is harmful. You'll agree that exercise is beneficial. However, I'm not so sure all of us are actually exercising. I'd like to tell you, then, not how to exercise, but to persuade you to go out and get some exercise. Transition (First, I'd like to tell you why I'm so concerned about our inactivity.) Thought Pattern: PROBLEM-SOLUTION Body Problem: I. Lack of exercise is harmful to our health. A. Cardiovascular disease, the nation's leading cause of death, is caused by inactivity. 1. Clogged arteries and veins are a result of inactivity. (example) 2. Excess fat also caused by inactivity leads to a higher incidence of heart disease. (explanation and example) Internal (Statistically, then, you will die at an earlier age if summary you do not exercise.) Transition (Now some of you might be wondering why I'm preaching to a bunch of 20 year olds.) B. College students are not as healthy as we are often lead to believe. 1. High school seniors are in better health than we are. (survey) 2. We are on the threshold of decline as our level of activity drops. (explanation) C. This change is correlated with the changes in our lifestyles that occur between high school and college. 1. Most of us have less time to run around because we are studying more. (explanation) 2. Many of us have given up the sports we used to play competitively. (example) 3. Now that we're in college we have less motivation to exercise. (explanation) Internal (The point here is that exercise for us must come from summary within. But, statistically, that hasn't been happening.) Transition (This point becomes increasingly significant as we realize that this stage in our lives is a primary force in determining our future behavior.) D. Our inactivity now may lead to inactivity later. 1. Our choices in brand of beer will be carried on through the coming years. (analogy) 2. By being inactive now we are getting ourselves into a rut of being inactive. This rut can be avoided, but it is difficult. (explanation) Internal (I have shown you that by not exercising we are decreasing summary our life spans, and at this particular time in our lives we are especially vulnerable to becoming out of shape. This may carry with us for years, until it is too late. Transition (A fair question to ask here is: What is so great about exercise? If it's such a pain in the ass, it's not worth living a few more years. To this I would respond that it isn't such a pain.) Solution II. Exercise is not a large investment,but the yield is very high. We should all exercise to take advantage of this. A. To exercise, you don't have to lift weights for hours on end or join the wrestling team. Exercise can take as little as 15 minutes a day. (statistic) B. One advantage of being healthy is that your body needs less sleep. This may more than make up for the time it takes to exercise. (explanation) C. Studies show exercise clears your thoughts so that you can be more efficient. (testimony) D. Also, you'll feel better. 1. When hurrying to class you won't get winded so easily. (example) 2. You won't get sick as easily since exercise increases the body's resistance. (testimony and explanation) E. More important, however, are the effects on your body you don't feel. 1. Increasing your cardiovascular strength increases your heart's stroke efficiency. (testimony) 2. Researchers at San Diego State have found that increases in exercise slow the onset of senility. (testimony) Internal (If none of these facts impress you, keep in mind that summary/ exercise might make us look better and this might make transition girls take a little more notice of us.) Conclusion Attention Just as none of us wants to be called a fat slob by our material mothers, none of us wants to die earlier than we

Friday, November 22, 2019

What Third World and Developing Countries Means

What Third World and Developing Countries Means The world is divided into those countries that are industrialized, have political and economic stability, and have high levels of human health, and those countries that do not. The way we identify these countries has changed and evolved over the years as we have moved through the Cold War-era and into the modern age; however, it remains that there is no consensus as to how we should classify countries by their development status. First, Second, Third, and Fourth World Countries The designation of Third World countries was created by Alfred Sauvy, a French demographer, in an article that he wrote for the French magazine, LObservateur in 1952, after World War II and during the Cold War-era. The terms First World, Second World, and Third World countries were used to differentiate between democratic countries, communist countries, and those countries that did not align with democratic or communist countries. The terms have since evolved to refer to levels of development, but they have become outdated and are no longer used to distinguish between countries that are considered developed versus those that are considered developing. First World described the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) countries and their allies, which were democratic, capitalist, and industrialized. The First World included most of North America and Western Europe, Japan, and Australia. Second World described the communist-socialist states. These countries were, like First World countries, industrialized. The Second world included the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and China. Third World described those countries that did not align with either the First World or Second World countries after World War II and are generally described as less-developed countries. The Third World included the developing nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Fourth World was coined in the 1970s, referring to the nations of indigenous people that live within a country. These groups often face discrimination and forced assimilation. They are among the poorest in the world. Global North and Global South The terms Global North and Global South divide the world in half both geographically. The Global North contains all countries north of the Equator in the Northern Hemisphere and the Global South holds all of the countries south of the Equator in the Southern Hemisphere. This classification groups the Global North into the rich northern countries, and the Global South into the poor southern countries. This differentiation is based on the fact that most of developed countries are in the north and most of the developing or underdeveloped countries are in the south. The issue with this classification is that not all countries in the Global North can be called developed, while some of the countries in the Global South can be called developed. In the Global North, some examples of the developing countries include: Haiti, Nepal, Afghanistan, and many of the countries in northern Africa. In the Global South, some examples of the well-developed countries include: Australia, South Africa, and Chile. MDCs and LDCs MDC stands for More Developed Country and LDC stands for Least Developed Country. The terms MDCs and LDCs are most commonly used by geographers. This classification is a broad generalization but it can be useful in grouping countries based on factors including their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita, political and economic stability, and human health, as measured by the Human Development Index (HDI). While there is debate as to at what GDP threshold an LDC becomes and MDC, in general, a country is considered an MDC when it has a GDP per capita of more than US $4000, along with a high HDI ranking and economic stability. Developed and Developing Countries The most commonly used terms to describe and differentiate between countries are developed and developing countries. Developed countries describes the countries with the highest level of development based on similar factors to those used to distinguish between MDCs and LDCs, as well as based on levels of industrialization. These terms are the most frequently used and the most politically correct; however, there is really no actual standard by which we name and group these countries. The implication of the terms developed and developing is that developing countries will attain developed status at some point in the future.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

I'll attach it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

I'll attach it - Essay Example For example, I searched for database administrator jobs in Chicago and I was able to get the necessary information needed. From the websites, I was able to get a few results in various companies. The job descriptions on the two sites appear to bear striking similarities, such as- the breakdown of the duties of the potential data administrator, the amount of experience that he/she is supposed to possess and educational qualifications. Additionally, the sites provided a platform for either saving the job description for future use or reference, and a link for applying for the job in case one wanted to. Most of the job descriptions for the database administrator job, did not quote the salary offered for the jobs. However, dice.com is more suited for job seekers who are in the IT industry and offers more information on job opportunities in that sector. On the other hand, monster.com offers a wider search network for job vacancies in all sectors. One factor that I found beneficial with wwww.monster.com, is its relatively easy application procedure when compared to dice.com. Even though monster.com has an easier application process, I found dice.com to be the better site because it offers more detailed information and provides crucial career advice. In summary even though both sites offer similar job descriptions, I found dice.com to be the better option in terms of the depth of the job listings, user friendly interface and a faster processing

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Conduct a Literature Review Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Conduct a Literature Review - Coursework Example Once each school is adequately funded, they might not find it challenging to support all their curricular and co-curricular activities much easily. However, many schools are not able to effectively discharge their roles mainly because of poor management of the available resources. Many schools have been, in the past, found to have misused their resources. Unknown to them, failure to be accountable for the school funds has had detrimental effects on the teaching and learning processes in these schools. Surprisingly, it is the school administrators who have been accused of engaging in such immoral and illegal acts. Instead of complying with their school budgets, they do choose to ignore and instead divert school funds to their personal uses. The sensitivity of this matter has attracted lots of scholars to conduct several researches aimed at unveiling these acts and helping to come up with measures that can be used to ultimately resolve it. Despite these attempts, a lot still need to be done to bridge the existing gap. In my research, I will have to carry out an extensive review on a lot of secondary resources that might be releva nt to my studies. To emphasize on the important contribution of management skills in public schools, Schultz & Shultz (2010) and Martindale (2011) state that self-discipline is paramount. In their opinion, a leader should always be ready to restraint themselves and refrain from any activity that might hinder the progress of their organizations. This view is supported by Gomez-Mejia (2008) who acknowledges that management is not a simple task because it does not only involve human, but also non-human resources. The findings of these scholars can be of much value if applied in this research. Management skills are necessary for the success of any public school in the country. Despite training as teachers, school heads should be equipped with managerial skills. These can be of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance Essay Example for Free

How to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance Essay For most of us these days, having to work is not an option, but a necessity. Struggling to maintain a job and a family can be demanding and stressful. While dealing with everyday chores at home, dinner, homework and other responsibilities, some people think that being at work is like having a break. On the other hand, for a single person, work may be the only social life they have. While using the workplace as an outlet to get away from it all or as a place to socialize, it is important to be aware of actions at work that might annoy your co-workers. Manners do matter, not only in your social life but your workplace. Manners can come into various forms, but professional etiquette in a workplace is vital, if you want to be respected or even make your job easier. For example, if your job involves you sending emails to other clients, associates or managers. You always want the email to content a greeting, and goodbye. I said respectable because there are different forms of greetings and goodbyes depending on the receiver. Manners mean behavior that is considered to be polite in a particular society and culture Manners are what you do in a specific way to be polite, courteous, etc. showing proper manners means making the person around you not feel bad. Example: You say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to show good manners. You are not ‘showing etiquette’ while doing this. As everybody already knows that it’s a professional etiquette to use these words at work! Professional manner etiquette consists of professional dress code the right dress with the right contrast of color combination of shoe and socks, exposing physical structure must be avoided. professional appearance, punctuality, use of professional language, positive attitude, non-verbal communication skills, maintaining hygiene. Manners impact of how others perceive you and your company. Your appearance and dress code, your way of welcoming people at first sight or later, your body language, your way of choosing words for your business conversation, your way of managing time effectively, your professional way of interacting with people and finally your mindset are the core components of your professional manner and etiquette. Each company must have a manual for professional manner and etiquette. New recruits should go through an induction program to understand these sensitive issues to deal with people at work. Even every year there should be a review of a company’s professional manner and etiquette to update its manual to keep pace with the changing trends of global fashion and life style. Conducting a job interview is the most widely used selection tool. It has proved most reliable and the employers rely on it in preference to any other tool. It is a process designed to predict future job performance by candidate\s oral responses to oral inquiries. For having a better comprehension of Job interviewing it is proper will to go through the definitions of the interview and job interview. An interview as defined is a conversation between two people where the interviewer put questions to the interviewees to get information from him. Job Interview on the other hand is generally defined as a conversation between an employer and a job candidate, where the employer evaluates a candidate for prospective employment in the organization. The two definitions show that an interview is a general term used for all kinds of interview, it gives out the broad outlines of the term interview. Job interview on the other hand is specific to a particular area namely employment. But, this is a common misconception that job interview is a unilateral process which, is not the case. The above definition of Job interview is very similar to definition of Job Interviewing, but not that of job interview as it does not give the full picture and is incomplete.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sir Philip Sidneys Astrophil and Stella Essay -- Astrophil Stella Ess

Sir Philip Sidney's Astrophil and Stella The literary fortunes of Sir Philip Sidney illustrate nicely the contrast between the Elizabethan and twentieth century views on imitation and originality in literature. Sidney's sequence of 108 sonnets entitled Astrophil and Stella which appeared at the end of the sixteenth century drew immediate praise from English readers who appreciated his "blend of wit and sensibility, of intellectual brilliance and temperamental ardour" (Lever 53); they liked especially the "directness and spontaneity" (53) of the poems. Sidney himself contributed to his reputation for sincerity with the immortal lines of first sonnet: "Biting my truant pen, beating my self for spite, / Fool, said my Muse to me, look in thy heart and write." Teachers repeat this good advice endlessly. I tell my College Writing students to use personal experience; one can hardly go wrong with early childhood memories because the material is pure--not yet contaminated with the clichÈs of what we are supposed to believe and fe el. Astrophil and Stella inspired literally thousands of sonnets and Sidney's admirers thought that he was greater than Spenser or Shakespeare. The idea that Sidney, himself happily married to Frances Walsingham, could be passionately in love with Penelope Rich and jealous of her husband bothered Victorian critics. How can one justify Astrophil's pursuit of adultery? Various excuses were made for Sidney: Elizabethan morals tended to be lax, it was Astrophil and not Sidney who was at fault, the marriage of the Riches was not what it should have been, etc. But the story of a passionate Astrophil who pursues the chaste Stella lost much of its appeal for another reason with the advent of historical critici... ... most insightful and intelligent persons succumb to rationalization--in effect allowing reason to switch camps. Or in Sonnet 71 we see how beauty and Virtue naturally live together in Stella; Virtue "bends . . . love to good." But then, again, all is lost in the last line as the flesh triumphs over the spirit: "But, ah," Desire still cries, "give me some food." The sequence never does reconcile reason and desire; it reminds me of the battle Paul describes in Romans 7. The last sonnet depicts Astrophil's psychological disarray, for he is unable to separate misery from ecstasy. Stella's influence upon him prevails so "That in my woes for thee thou art my joy, / And in my joys for thee my only annoy." Works Cited Lever, J.W. The Elizabethan Love Sonnet. London: Methuen, 1956. Nichols, J.G. The Poetry of Sir Philip Sidney. England: Barnes & Noble, 1974

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


The public services have multiple ways of showing how they go about promoting a diverse work force within the military, health service and police force. The first that would like to pin point is that they have a way of approaching the black minority's ethnic alongside the LIGHT communities, religion or beliefs and gender.As they try to incorporate more people into the military by means of newspapers, social media for example advertisements with different cultures interlinked talking about their experiences and hosting open days or setting up conferences that can be searched via the web making it more aware for the average person to see hat it would be like if they joined the army and in regards to the support that is being offered if they require it.For the equality and diversity they have training to improve on the understanding Of other cultures, religious beliefs and being able to respects those around them, there are also legislations put in place which are connected to the many acts they now follow (Equality Act 201 0, Civil Partnership Act 2004, Employment Equality Regulations Act, and Sexual Orientation Regulations Act 2003). Under representation of the BMW does happen and that is why they have the DART translated into DiverseArmy Recruitment Team, they consist of members from various backgrounds/ genders to show that we do want to improve on the diversity within our ranks, as it is fundamental to society that we start to accept more people from other cultures and religions into our communities, that is why we have them going around making people aware of the support that is given to those that wish to join, where they can go for help if someone is discrimination against them be it direct or indirect, harassment from someone or visitation of that person.So once we have them recruited and ready to go hats to keep them on board, all of the ways that the military provide for their soldiers and ensure that their family is well look after if something does ha ppen and that all of the benefits apply to everyone regardless of background or gender. UP Being able to provide equality within the ranks of all public services can be quite a challenge, the best way to enable them in regards to equality is by following the rules and regulations set by the government and by doing so they can see what impact this regulation would have upon the forces themselves.Not all opportunities will be equal which is sad but true, as some bobs within say the armed forces cannot be occupied by a woman on various grounds that are still under discussion. As such they have ways to entice and enforce the will to stay within the public services by providing annual training that is directed at equality and diversity which can be educational along with the fitness test, associations within the public services there to help and guide them in times Of need for example the Army Families Federation can give you advice and not identify you in regards to the issue.Regardless of the above they do have schemes in place to make life easier for all that wish or join or eave a family member that is currently serving in the military and ensuring that they are protected from certain discriminatory acts or harassment crimes. This also applies to the police force in terms of equality as they would assess how they would improve on the current affairs; there are many specific duties that are being carried out for example enabling equal opportunities for men and women when applying for a job within that station that can be a promotion.As stated above they do have duties but there are two types of duties that are created in order to ensure that all discrimination, reassessment, bullying etc is seen to accordingly or that there is some form of problem in regards to how we treat our personnel and their families.The first one is the General Duties now these are the ones that mostly come under the laws and regulations to see that they are not broken and carried out pro mptly, the second is the Specific Duties those are designated towards a direct objective or goal that has been put across the board on current procedures and policies, if they can change them to suit the needs of others and would it be appropriate or fair to do so depending on the rule.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Marriage in Traditional African Society and It’s Televance Essay

The African marriage is full of deep-rooted culture that cannot be wished away. African culture and traditions are handed down from generation to generation. The African marriage is an integral part of the whole African culture and was a rite of passage for every mature man and woman. In African tradition, marriage was done after someone had gone through the adolescent stage where different lessons on respect, morality and upholding the tribes culture and traditions. Once the man found a lady who was willing to marry him and of his choice, the man and his kin would go and visit the lady’s family and get permission from the bride’s parents. He would visit the home with a few of his peers and they would wait in the simba (bachelors hut) as the man went to get confirmation from the bride’s family. If he received good news he would come back and tell his peers. This traditional practice is still relevant as it is respectful for a suitor to get permission from the bri de’s family if he should marry their daughter. Though not compulsory in today’s society, it is a good show of faith from the bride’s family that they entrust their daughter in the man’s hands. The dowry ceremony which was known as Ayie (which means I agree). The man’s family would visit the woman’s homestead. It is on the Ayie ceremony that a groom officially meets the parents of the bride for the first time; all other visits that could have taken place prior to the Ayie ceremony are unofficial and in some cases may attract disciplinary action on the groom. If a groom visits the parents of the bride but without the intention to pay Ayie during the visit, he may be considered undisciplined, as his action may be interpreted as arrogance or prematurely show off his relationship with the bride to her parents to time, although the mother of the bride may negotiate a higher price whilst the groom may also negotiate a lower price. The dowry ceremony is still relevant in today’s society as it’s a sign of appreciation to the bride’s family for taking care of her. Polygamy in traditional Luo society is rampant. The man was allowed to marry to marry as many wives as he wished.  This practice, though now constitutional is irrelevant in that most Luo men of today are Christians and conduct religious wedding ceremonies which forbid the union of a man to more than one woman. The practice is also expensive and does not cater for the needs of the women in the relationship. There was also wife inheritance in traditional Luo society. Once a woman’s husband died one of his brothers was to cater to all her needs and would take her in as a wife. This practice caused emotional distress to the mourning widow and also allowed for the spread of diseases such as HIV/AIDS. The traditional Luo marriage ceremony has its pros and cons. Like in every culture there are many important values to carry on and many practices that cannot be sustained in the 21st century. As individuals it is up to us to sift through the good in every culture and adapt it or throw away the irrelevant.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Flow Control and Data Compression Essays

Flow Control and Data Compression Essays Flow Control and Data Compression Essay Flow Control and Data Compression Essay Firstly flow control shall be looked at and the methods it undergoes when being implemented. Flow control is an efficient way of handling data when its to be sent to an external entity. For example this maybe the likes of a printer, further a modem may be the entity. All information that is to be sent to the entities must have a place to be stored. This is within the built in buffer, when the memory gets to full flow control is implemented and the jobs again can be stored. This ensures a faster speed of processing jobs whether they be print jobs or e-mails and helps maintain stability.Flow ControlAn example of flow control to be used will be the sending of information to a printer. A printer will contain what is known as a buffer. A buffer is there to aid the printer when to many jobs are sent. For example the user send 4 jobs to the printer these are then all queued in the buffer. This limit cannot be exceeded and if tried the printer will communicate with the computer and will say that it cannot receive any more information at the current time. It does this by saying x-off. When the list has been completed and printed all documents from the buffer the printer will say x-on and this resumes printing the 5th job that was unable to fit into the buffer.Another example of above would be the sending of an e-mail through the modem. If multiple e-mails are to be sent at once then they will be stored within the buffer. When the buffer is full and another job is sent the modem will say to the computer not to send any more. It does this by using CTS clear to send Once all jobs are finished from the modem it can carry out the jobs that were not able to fit into the buffer originally. It does this by saying RTS ready to sendData CompressionIntroductionThere are a few forms of data compression and they will be explained in a little more detail throughout. Data compression plays a big part in then world today. Compression is a key factor to system speeds and size and is pre dominantly used within communications; this is to ensure fewer bits are sent (therefore less bandwidth is used). When this has been accomplished faster communication speeds can be achieved. There are many forms of data compression however only a few have been standardised.Also a few negatives may be derived from data compression. When data has been compressed and sent over the network it is in a reduced form. This saves speed as previously said. The problem with this is the decompression methodology at the other end. If this algorithm/process is not very efficient then the overall speed may not decrease that significantly at all.Run Length EncodingIt is important to compress data to make file sizes smaller and increase speed times. When sending faxes users wish to send the information at the quickest speeds possible and this may only be done by the use of compression. For example if a page was made of black and white dots and was to be sent, instead of writing W W W W W W W W B B B W to represent white dots we may write 8W, this represents 8 white dots. There are also three black dots present and this would then be written as follows, 8W3B1W Overall this would compress a bigger file size immensely. It is called R.L.E run length encoding.White Space CompressionAnother example of data compression would be when uploading a web page using html coding. As html coding will contain masses of white on the page, for example spaces and so fourth, further there is a mass of unneeded tags. This can be compressed to make the file size smaller.Error Detection and CorrectionIntroductionError detection and correction is used to validate data when it is sent. There are many channels and places where errors in data can occur and there are forms of detection to help avoid this. The methods used shall be described below.When data is sent over the internet in the form of an instant message for example it will be sent (each character) in ASCII code. ASCII code is made of a 7 bit bi nary number and represents each character thats found on the keyboard. When a message is sent an eight bit is put at the beginning of the ASCII code, this is called a parity bit, and helps in error detection. There are many types of things that can cause errors and the parity bit helps fight this.Even parity: When the 7bit binary number is sent (1011000) we need to add parity. This would be in the form of a one; the number to be sent would then be 11011000. When this number is sent the recipient should be aware that the form being sent is an even parity. When received, the computer will be well aware if an error has occurred as the ASCII code will contain an odd number of 1s. This is the same with the Odd Parity Check. However with the odd parity check its essential to maintain an odd number of 1s.This process is simple and is not a sure way to detect errors. For example if a burst of errors were to occur, the ASCII code would turn into a even or odd respectively again, as was sent in the first place, so this is a floor in the check, further it only has a 50:50 chance of detecting burst errors.Error CorrectionError correction is a simple process. When sending information such as text, for example mother and donkey, there are a number of ways in which the computer can correct the errors that have occurred.WordCharacter DifferenceMother DonkeyCommentLikely MatchDonkey40Perfect Match to donkey but 4 to motherDonkeyHotter24Closer to mother than donkeyMotherMother04Perfect match to mother and maximum difference to donkeyMotherMither15Closer to mother than donkeyMotherMonkey31Closer to donkey than motherDonkeyCables55As close to mother as donkey. Cannot determine correct message.The process is simple. The programme will try to match the exact phrase to a list of comparisons and will then define what fits into the original word the best. This will work on the process of elimination and when complete can define what the exact word should be.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister

William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King (December 17, 1874–July 22, 1950) was prime minister of Canada on and off for a total of 22 years. A compromiser and conciliator, Mackenzie King- as he was more simply known- was mild-mannered and had a bland public personality. The private personality of Mackenzie King was more exotic, as his diaries show. A devout Christian, he believed in an afterlife, and consulted fortune tellers, communicated with his dead relatives in seances, and pursued psychical research. Mackenzie King was also extremely superstitious. Mackenzie King followed the political path set by Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier in emphasizing national unity. He also started a Canadian Liberal tradition of his own by setting Canada on the road toward social welfare. Fast Facts: Mackenzie King Known For: Longest-serving prime minister of CanadaBorn: December 17, 1874 in Kitchener, Ontario, CanadaParents: John King and Isabel Grace Mackenzie.Died: July 22, 1950  in Chelsea, Quebec, CanadaEducation: University College, Toronto, Osgoode Hall Law School, University of Chicago, Harvard University  Published Works:  Industry and Humanity, extensive diariesAwards and Honors:  MacKenzie received many honorary degrees and national and international honors. He is also the namesake for numerous roads, schools, and other public institutions.Notable Quote: Where there is little or no public opinion, there is likely to be bad government, which sooner or later becomes autocratic government. Early Life Mackenzie King was born into a struggling middle-class family. His maternal grandfather, whose name he bore, had been a leader of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837, which aimed to establish self-government in Upper Canada. As a boy, the younger Mackenzie was encouraged to follow in his grandfathers footsteps. King was an outstanding student; he attended the University of Toronto and then went on to earn advanced degrees there and at the University of Chicago, Harvard University, and the London School of Economics. Early Career King was offered an academic position at Harvard but turned it down. Instead, he accepted the position of deputy minister of labor in Ottawa, where he developed a talent for mediating labor disputes. In 1908, King resigned from his position to run as the liberal candidate for Parliament, representing North Waterloo (his birthplace). He was elected in 1908 and was quickly given the position of minister of labor by Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier. Laurier, however, was defeated in 1909, after which King took a post with the Rockefeller Foundation in the United States. Kings work involved investigation of industrial relations in the U.S. and it resulted in the publication of his 1918 book, Industry and Humanity. Elected Prime Minister of Canada In 1919, Lauriers death left an opening for King to be named the leader of the Liberal Party. In 1921, he became prime minister- although his government was made up largely of conservatives. A master mediator, King was able to muster a vote of confidence. Despite this success, however, a scandal led to Kings resignation in 1926. Just a few months later, after the new Conservative government failed, King once again became prime minister. He quickly took a leading role in securing the equality of self-governing nations of the British Empire (the Commonwealth). Second Stint as Prime Minister In 1930, King once again lost the election and, instead of leading Canada as its prime minister, he led the opposition throughout the Great Depression. In 1935, he was once again elected prime minister in a landslide victory and continued in that role until his 1948 retirement. He led his nation through World War II and, following his resignation, continued to sit as a member of Parliament. Louis St. Laurent took over as leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister of Canada in 1948. Some of Kings accomplishments included: Development of social programs such as unemployment insurance, old age pensions, welfare, and the family allowance.Leading Canada through World War II, surviving a conscription crisis that split Canada along English French lines.Introducing the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan (BCATP), which trained more than 130,000 aircrew members in Canada for the Allied war effort. King continues to hold the record for the most elections to the position of prime minister of Canada: he was elected six times. Kings Published Diaries While King was seen as a rather dull but competent bachelor and statesman throughout his life, in the 1970s his personal diaries began to appear in print. These provided a very different view of the man. Specifically, they revealed that Kings personal life was quite different from his public persona. In fact, he was a spiritualist who believed it was possible to talk with the dead through a medium. According to his diaries, King frequently worked with mediums to contact his dead friends and relatives. According to the Canadian Broadcasting Company, Thousands of pages of diaries, spanning half a century, exposed him as an oddball and eccentric- a lifelong bachelor who was extremely close to his mother, adored his dog, availed himself of hookers, and communed with the spiritual world. Death King died of pneumonia at the age of 75 on July 22, 1950, at Kingsmere. He was in the process of writing his memoirs. He is buried near his mother at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto.   Legacy King was a consummate politician and deal maker with the ability to mediate agreements between disparate groups over the course of decades. While not the nations most exciting leader, his longevity and consistency helped mold Canada into the nation it is today. Sources Pickersgill, John Whitney. â€Å"W.L. Mackenzie King.†Ã‚  Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 13 Dec. 2018.â€Å"Unbuttoned: A History of Mackenzie Kings Secret Life. CBC.ca, 24 Aug. 2018.â€Å"William Lyon Mackenzie King.†Ã‚  The Canadian Encyclopedia.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Phase 2 Soil and vegetation Survey report for Roudsea wood Natural Assignment

Phase 2 Soil and vegetation Survey report for Roudsea wood Natural reserve - Assignment Example This paper will review the physical background of the reserve over the period it came to be a national reserve. The climate experienced in this region can mainly be summed up in seasons. There is spring, winter, and autumn. These seasons go throughout the year where the reserve and all its habitants experience a different habitat (Hardy 1973). During some of the seasons, it is highly likely that there are different migrations of animals, and birds in the area. The two types of rock that are present in the chemical nature of the reserve enable the reserve to have different acidic soils. Slate and limestone are the main types of rock that are present in the reserve. The types of rock have an impact on the soil composition. Often, there is a differing acidic composition. A clear topography of the reserve would be the large space of land that is covered with forest trees (Rothschild & Marren 1997). This provides for brilliant scenery. Also, the sloping cliffs present offer the natural reserve a rather varied topography. The vegetation of the reserve includes abundant existence of fungi that have grown over the years. This is considering the climate that presents itself right through the year. Many scarce and rare plants also find their way in the reserve’s vegetation and make up for the reserves flora (Peterken 1996). The marshes present in the reserve aid, in the growth of an expansive area of rare and unique vegetation. Fungi thrives in such an environment, and hence, their abundance. The land use of the natural reserve will remain an area that is protected by English Nature. Access is also granted by this group of conservationists. Conservation of this reserve has to be maintained for many reasons. These reasons include recreation, education, and scientific study. The conservation of such land would be beneficial in the above cases since it can act as